Friday, August 8, 2008

Ultimate Blogging Recipe - 5 Super Money Making Strategies

Blogging is one of the most social things being done on the internet and guess what yip there are people making some serious money from blogs. I myself have a couple of niche blogs and some of them are bringing in over $700 each. So how do I do it, how do all the big boy bloggers stay on top or how did they get on top. Well here's how, simply implement the following tips and soon you'll be creeping up and surprising all your competitors.

Add Valuable Content: This is one of the biggest factors of writing. So make sure to add your own style and touch to your writing. Give your visitors what they came for, a good post and not only a great heading without anything backing up what created the buzz. It's up to you to keep them happy, leaving them wanting more and the way you are gonna get that right is by Adding Valuable Content.

Keep it fresh and Updated: For your traffic and subscribers to keep rising more and more it will be up to you to not only add valuable content, but to keep adding it on a daily basis... sometimes posting more then once a day. By doing this you will keep your blog super active and you'll keep bringing in more and more traffic by the day... Do yourself a favor and test this for 2 weeks or so by making a post every day and not missing a day.

Stay Relevant: People coming to your site and reading your site are interested in a certain niche, so keep them captivated by supplying as much relevant posts within that niche as humanly possible. Try not to go astray or to post too many ramblings. Go on keep it relevant guys.

Stay Active Within your Niche/Market: Branch out, meet other bloggers and try to network. Networking within your niche with other bloggers is pretty important. It will help you make new friends online, gain more info about your niche and even help find you partners for future projects or launches.

Comment, comment and Comment: Commenting will help you in various ways. It will get you noticed by fellow marketers within the niche, it will get you noticed by relevant readers and future subscribers and the best thing is it will offer you free targeted traffic. Make sure to add good comment, not just the random good post etc. Add value and you will receive value.

Now the real question is, did YOU find this article valuable to some degree?
Yes? Ok then listen up...

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copyright by : Ryan Matthews Learn Money Making Secrets
Article Source: http://EzineArti

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Make Money With Your Blog

If you are reading this article than I can safely assume that you are looking for a way to make money with your Blog. Keep reading. I am about to tell you about a great way to make money with your Blog.

As you know, Blogs are a perfect platform for Internet marketing. They are especially useful for affiliate marketing because most people like to read Blogs and tend keep visiting them day after day.

When a visitor reads your post, they usually don't look at anything but the text. Most people can completely ignore banners and other graphics, even those flashy annoying kinds of advertising. They just concentrate on the text because they are interested in what you have to say.

So why not to use the text to make some money with your Blog?

With the WordPress Affiliate Elite plug-in making money can be really simple.

WordPress Affiliate Elite is a powerful WordPress plug-in that allows you to convert any keyword in your Blog to an affiliate link with only a single mouse click!

In a typical post there is nothing special in it...just a lot of text

WordPress Affiliate Elite can change all that. It can convert every keyword that you choose to an active hyperlink. So when people read your post they are now presented with clickable links right in front of them...right where their eyes are reading. In other words it will be pretty hard to ignore the affiliate link.

See it in action. Visit the WordPress Affiliate Elite website and watch the video that explain how you can use it in your Blog.

WordPress Affiliate Elite - Make Money with You Blog using WordPress Affiliate Elite. The #1 WordPress Affiliate Plug-In

Copyright by : Andrew McGill
Article Source: